Tag Archives: lancaster
Architects In Kendal And Lancaster
Liang and his first wife Lin Huiyin were educated at U Penn’s architecture school, married, and returned to China to undertake the first history of its traditional wood post-and-beam architecture. Lin Huiyin had died in 1955 after a long struggle with tuberculosis. Liang and Lin paid a price to bring us this legacy, overcoming illness, injury, and wartime occupation. Her niece is the American architect and artist Maya Lin. Paris’s Pont Neuf bridge wrapped by the artist Christo as an installation sculpture. Her husband Liang’s father, Liang Qichao, was a highly respected scholar and reformer at the end of the Qing dynasty. You can most readily find Liang’s elegant drawings in Chinese Architecture: A Pictorial History, edited by Fairbank. His expository drawings and diagrams, published in 1946, were the first to visually explain the curved roof and bracket sets which form the grammar of Chinese timber construction (and Korean, and Japanese architecture as well).
There’s even a datestone, to confirm the construction in 1692. It’s not much changed on the outside, except for the 1920s addition of the porch (and perhaps the side extension). It’s intimate theatre at its best. The Pevsner book doesn’t mention it – its business is with architecture after all – but it’s a nice example of the rewards of keeping the eyes open, of being inquisitive, even in familiar places. Everyone is familiar with the many landmarks of New York City, but thanks to Judith Gura and Kate Wood (courtesy of the Monacelli Press) we are all about to become familiar with the landmarked INTERIORS of the city. There are valuable lessons in preservation that can inform current building decisions and that we cannot learn in any other way. So often, though, factory owners wanted a bit more than this, and a pilaster here, a Classical column there are testimony to the pretensions of mill-owners and the aspirations of builders who wanted to create ‘proper’ architecture.
There was an air of quiet welcoming efficiency without any trace of the institutional feeling. You never know what gems can be hiding in quiet corners, and such discoveries can give my visits added value. They’re a huge part of what gives a building its character, and some forms can be instantly recognisable from a distance, or in a passing glance. The presence of ‘pin-holes’ gives it the natural look and feel. “A tin tabernacle,” I thought, stopping to take a look. Their rows of evenly placed windows can look arrestingly modern, forerunners of the ‘what you see is what you get’ aesthetic of the 20th century. When visiting a place with a specific architectural goal in mind, I usually take the time to have a walk around and see what other buildings I can find nearby. It wasn’t hard to see that something extraordinary had landed. When Manchester was bombed in 1996, the architects came back to do refurbishment work, taking the opportunity to build in new services. Indeed, the drawings came perilously close to being lost forever during World War II.
These ladies are uber talented in the world of design, 3 are my friends, Cindy, Mary Ann and Annie. All the jazzy graphics in the world aren’t going to convince new customers to click the buy button and submit their payment if they aren’t absolutely certain what they are getting in the end. Shape and form are of the essence of architecture. Like so many, it was produced in prefabricated form by a specialist firm, who would offer churches with different variations of windows and fittings, and sized to provide the required number of ‘sittings’. The architecture of England’s Protestant churches (from Methodists to Unitarians, Baptists to Quakers) has been a difficult subject to get to grips with. A good example is the Rennaisance period in Italy, a time that saw not only remarkable achievements in painting and sculpture, but equally startling advances, both technically and aesthetically, in architecture. Actually the Pipeline conference was the second time I’d made this presentation. In an article today, Chinese news agency Xinhua called Liang the “father of modern Chinese architecture,” and interviewed his second wife, who is still living. Old and new contrast, but work together, an object lesson in allowing modern design and traditional architecture to coexist in symbiosis.
Modern architectural education in China today is based on the model Liang brought back from U Penn, so in that sense the Xinhua article is correct. April 20th is the anniversary of the birth of architect Liang Sicheng. A Software Architect: This is were my interest really lies, these are the guys who are custodian of the design vision for a piece of software, or application if you prefer. If you want to have web-application created out of using N-tier application program, then you can seek assistance from software development companies. CTOs also have a role in recruitment and forming the development culture. Query. By lowering interactivity we boost the development speed and make functionality cheaper and more reliable. More than this, though, the building gets its character from a pleasingly eclectic mix of design features: a Classical looking cornice and, of all things, pointed, Gothic arches. The block to the left of the new entrance very closely matches the original structure but with a stripped-down style of classicism so popular in the 1930s (which I find to be my favorite classical ‘flavor’). So the building conforms to the town’s honey-coloured palette – not that a structure this size would do anything as unassuming as blend in, but the colour helps. This has been created with the help of GSA Content Generator DEMO!